The Fox and the Wolf

 The Fox and the Wolf

1001 night tale

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← The Flying Horse (Part 2)

Listen to also:

The Legend of St. Christopher The Legend of St. Christopher
Folk Tales & Myths, 14 min
12. in The Castle of The Sorcerers 12. in The Castle of The Sorcerers
Folk Tales & Myths, 14 min
Hansel and Gretel Hansel and Gretel
Short stories for children, 13 min
15. The Master and His Pupil 15. The Master and His Pupil
Short stories for children, 4 min
How They Built the Ship Argo How They Built the Ship Argo
Tales from Greece and Rome, 7 min
The Dog and the Dog Dealer The Dog and the Dog Dealer
Tales from Greece and Rome, 1 min

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