Stories of Courage and Heroism - Audio fairytales

> Audio fairytales > Stories of Courage and Heroism

The Fight at The Pass of Thermopylæ

15 min

by Charlotte M. Yonge

The Rabbi Who Found The Diadem


by Dr. A. S. Isaacs

How Livia Won The Brooch

12 min

by Beatrice Harraden

The Boy-Heroes of Crecy and Poitiers

23 min

by Treadwell Walden

The Noble Burghers of Calais

25 min

by Charlotte M. Yonge

by Charlotte

20 min

The Brave Queen of Hungary

A Sea-Fight in The Time of Queen Bess   55.0

42 min

by Charles Kingsley

The Adventure of Grizel Cochrane

24 min

by Arthur Quiller-Couch

The Sunken Treasure


by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Lost Exiles of Texas

19 min

by Arthur Oilman

The True Story of a Kidnapped Boy

22 min

by Peter Williamson

Evangeline of Acadia

19 min

by Henry W. Longfellow

Jabez Rockwell's Powder-Horn

19 min

by Ralph D. Paine

A Man Who Coveted Washington's Shoes

21 min

by Frank R. Stockton.

How June Found Massa Linkum

21 min

by Elizabeth S. Phelps

The Story of a Forest Fire


by Raymond S. Spears

Stories of Courage and Heroism
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