VII. How Giglio and Angelica Had a Quarrel

> Audio fairytales > Stories of Today > VII. How Giglio and Angelica Had a Quarrel
 VII. How Giglio and Angelica Had a Quarrel
← VI. How Prince Giglio Behaved Himself
VIII. How Gruffanuff Picked The Fairy Ring Up →

Listen to also:

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Animal and Nature Stories, 14 min
What Was I Scared Of What Was I Scared Of
Animal and Nature Stories, 5 min
The Wind's Tale The Wind's Tale
Andersen's Fairy Tales, 26 min
The Thief and the Fox The Thief and the Fox
Andersen's Fairy Tales, 1 min
Home, Sweet Home Home, Sweet Home
Poems Old and New, 1 min
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Continued) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Continued)
Poems Old and New, 28 min

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