A Diller, a Dollar

 A Diller, a Dollar

by Anonymous

← Sing a Song of Sixpence
Simple Simon →

Listen to also:

The Arab to His Favorite Steed The Arab to His Favorite Steed
Poems Old and New, 3 min
35. The Fish and the Ring 35. The Fish and the Ring
Poems Old and New, 6 min
The Fir Tree The Fir Tree
Andersen's fairy tales, 24 min
The Girl Who Trod on the The Girl Who Trod on the
Andersen's fairy tales, 15 min
The Arrow and the Song The Arrow and the Song
Poems Old and New, 1 min
19. Jack the Giant-Killer 19. Jack the Giant-Killer
Poems Old and New, 22 min

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