2. Horn is Dubbed Knight

 2. Horn is Dubbed Knight

Tales From Early English Chronicles

← 1. The Adventures of King Horn
3. Horn The Knight Errant →

Listen to also:

The Crow and the Pitcher The Crow and the Pitcher
Fairy and Wonder Tales, 1 min
Orpheus the Sweet Singer Orpheus the Sweet Singer
Fairy and Wonder Tales, 7 min
The Deserted Village The Deserted Village
Poems Old and New, 20 min
The Gray Collie By Georgia W. Pangborn The Gray Collie By Georgia W. Pangborn
Poems Old and New, 18 min
The Battle of the Frogs and the Mice The Battle of the Frogs and the Mice
Folk Tales & Myths, 11 min
Hok Lee and the Dwarfs Hok Lee and the Dwarfs
Folk Tales & Myths, 11 min

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