The Gift of Athene

 The Gift of Athene

Myths of Greece and Rome

← The Riddle of the Sphinx
Daphne, Child of the Morning →

Listen to also:

5. Don Quixote and The Goatherds 5. Don Quixote and The Goatherds
Heroes and Heroines of Chivalry, 16 min
How The Stone-Age Children Played How The Stone-Age Children Played
Heroes and Heroines of Chivalry, 9 min
Old Sultan Old Sultan
Grimms' Fairy Tales, 4 min
Curly Locks! Curly Locks!
Grimms' Fairy Tales, 1 min
Mother Holle Mother Holle
Grimms' Fairy Tales, 8 min
How the Tortoise Out-Ran the Deer How the Tortoise Out-Ran the Deer
Grimms' Fairy Tales, 4 min

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