The Fools and the Drum

> Audio fairytales > Fairy and Wonder Tales > The Fools and the Drum
 The Fools and the Drum

by Ramaswami Raju

← The Farmer and the Fox
The Lion and the Goat →

Listen to also:

1. of Arthur's Birth and How He Became King 1. of Arthur's Birth and How He Became King
Heroes and Heroines of Chivalry, 7 min
How Hilda Got a School By Lelia Munsell How Hilda Got a School By Lelia Munsell
Heroes and Heroines of Chivalry, 12 min
The Fox and the Horse The Fox and the Horse
Grimms' Fairy Tales, 2 min
A Boy’s Prayer A Boy’s Prayer
Grimms' Fairy Tales, 1 min
A Sea-Fight in The Time of Queen Bess A Sea-Fight in The Time of Queen Bess
Stories of Courage and Heroism, 42 min

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