37. Kate Crackernuts

> Audio fairytales > English fairy tales > 37. Kate Crackernuts
 37. Kate Crackernuts
← 36. The Magpie's Next
38. The Cauld Lad of Hilton →

Listen to also:

The King of the Golden Mountain The King of the Golden Mountain
Grimms' Fairy Tales, 12 min
4. The Siege of Zamora 4. The Siege of Zamora
Grimms' Fairy Tales, 28 min
How Hilda Got a School By Lelia Munsell How Hilda Got a School By Lelia Munsell
Stories of Today, 12 min
Dog Den Mystery Dog Den Mystery
Stories of Today, 44 min
The Bells The Bells
Poems Old and New, 3 min
4. The Golden Arrow 4. The Golden Arrow
Poems Old and New, 7 min

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