The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad

> Fairy tales > 1001 nights > The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad (page 2)

The monster had already half swallowed the man. His head and the top part of his body were still sticking out of his mouth and he was calling out to me. I rushed down and beat the serpent’s head with my golden rod until it released its victim and fled. We continued along our way together until at last we found a group of men-birds. One of these agreed to carry me back to the city.

My wife met me, rejoicing in my safety and told me to beware of flying with the bird-folk, for they were related to devils and did not know how to mention the name of Allah the Almighty, which was why the fire had come down against us.

I did not wish to remain any longer in this city, and so we sold all our property for a fine sum of money and boarded a ship back to Basrah from where we travelled safely to Baghdad. When my friends and family heard of my return, they welcomed me and marvelled with great joy for I had been away for an entire 27 years. Then I foreswore travel before Allah the most High and I will journey no more for this seventh and last voyage had shown me enough of Earth and the skies.I thanked the Lord (may He be praised and glorified) for bringing me back to my family, friends and home country.

Sinbad the Sailor spoke to Sinbad the Porter and said: “So now you have heard what dangers and hardships I went through to become a man of wealth and leisure.”

“Allah bless you, my Lord,” replied the porter. “Pardon me for my words that wronged you.”

And the two Sinbads remained friends and enjoyed the delights of life until their last days on Earth.

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